Monday, 14 March 2016


These were the 2 posters I submitted to the class for critique today, representing two approaches: One approach was the "messy, dirty, gross out" approach, shocking the audience with actual images of intestines, and the other approach I took was more "design-y", clean and aesthetically pleasing, but just hinting at the guts, rather than being very overt and showing it directly.

This was the critique submitted by the class:

Critique for "gross" concept:

nice word play - guts, dissecting, carries theme through
you could try writing the word guts with the guts texture?
uncomfortable to look at but thats what is engaging, more effective than the other one at being engaging
dont over use the hand drawn script! still need a focal point but good starting point for shock value.
simplify information text font
more hierarchy with text
strongest of the two. Create the text and photograph it using the meat juice
very eye catching and gruesome
too much loose type that is confusing to the eye with the similar blood and guts
the use of imagery made concept more convincing with the title
strongest of the two. love the use of flow and movement with composition. gut imagery very confronting and intriguing

Critique for "design" concept:

disturbing but engaging imagery great play on words.
not clear what image shows. perhaps cutline through the "s" should extend to other letters
image not clear, blood stain? show more grit
more visually appealing; nice use of negative space
if the idea is guts, make the image a bit more messy, be authentic, dont be "tamed"
good balance between controlled type and raw imagery
nice design style, good tagline size, dont make it too small
maybe make splotch darker and closer to blood colour?
try creating gut type, red bit could be blood splatter.

Where to go from here:

In people viewing this media, I really want to strike a good balance with the disgust of entrails, and the aesthetic beauty of my layout, because the perfect contrast between the two will be very striking and engaging.

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